RekaMyoT - DevLog: (Alpha-0.0.22)

  • Added a soccer/football field, players can now play soccer/football, near the graveyard.
  • Added a soccer/football goal, the player can now shoot/ or throw a soccer/football into the goal. 
  • Updated the ball physics, the ball feels a lot more rubbery now, like a soccer/football.
  • Removed some objects from the starting area.
  • Fixed the TV from allowing the player to climb an invisible wall. for whatever reason players could climb and jump higher when close to a TV (had an issue with trigger boxes and collisions.)
  • Changed the images on the TV that show, it now shows screenshots from the game (screenshots that I've taken and added).
  • Changed how the images are shown on the TV.
  • Changed how many images are shown every 3 seconds on the TV.
  • Updated the player height from 1 to 1.1 feels more realistic.
  • Updated/remodeled the barrels.
  • Added a fire flicker effect to the fire barrels. (the light now flickers as if it is real fire) 
    Note: The fire barrel is still a work in progress. 
  • Removed the crosshair/dot in the middle of the screen (To be honest I don't think the game needs it, since picking up/interacting with items does not require the player to directly look at them,
  • Updated the Bird movement system, birds now spawn in the sky more often than before. this just makes the game feel more lively.
  • Built more of the map.
  • Fixed the gardens/plant areas, they no longer clip into the ground.
  • Added a new collectable total of 6 now.

(NOTE: For whatever reason this update broke the Motorbike, it still works but the bike stretches and deforms into a flat object, its kinder funny but it most have something to do with the new player's height)

Files 298 MB
57 days ago

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