Join the discord: Discord Server Invite Fix some small issues in this update. Fixed the outline shader/script, I have reverted it to how it used to be before ve...
Join the discord: Discord Server Invite I have been working on re-coding almost all of the old scripts such as The outline script (Buggy with the Motorbike as o...
Added back the crosshair/dot in the center of the screen Fixed the dialogue system. (You can now skip the typing animation to view the full line of text) (Befor...
Added an airport (W.I.P) Added a plane model Added an animation to the plane it takes off, flies above the map, and then lands and repeats/loops. Added sound to...
Fixed FPS issues, the game now runs at your refresh rate. for me, it was 244 FPS on my device (V-SYNC ON) next update I'm planning to turn V-SYNC off to test mo...
Made a Discord server Discord Invite (Click on "Discord invite to join) Fixed the Motorbike breaking, deforming/stretching out of shape. Added a disclaimer to t...
Added a soccer/football field, players can now play soccer/football, near the graveyard. Added a soccer/football goal, the player can now shoot/ or throw a socc...
Added the ability to turn ON/OFF the flashlight. (press the pickup/interact button) Fixed a lot of bugs. Started optimizing the game more. Fixed the FPS counter...